In preparation for tomorrows High School Graduation and the large number of family and friends who will be in attendance, parking will be as follows:
Due to the several days of adverse weather, parking in the grass northwest of the field house will not be allowed, as those areas are too soft to support the weight of vehicles. Also, Jay Rubenstein Boulevard will be closed from Walnut Street to Main Street, due to the football field renovations. This closure, will also eliminate the overflow parking area west of the football field.
Parking will be permitted at the softball field, the north and south curb lines of Walnut, the circle drive, the east curb line only on the roadway between the circle drive and the main parking lot, as well as the parking areas directly around the field house. Overflow parking will be available in the Ag Center Parking lot, which is located at the northeast corner of the football field.
Due to the limited parking area, we would like to encourage everyone to carpool, if possible. This will allow us to get everyone into the event, while maintaining our limited parking space. We will have officers on hand assisting with parking. Those caught parking in a restricted area or causing a traffic hazard, will be asked to move their vehicles.
We have attached an overview picture of the Cushing High School, which depicts parking areas in yellow and non-parking areas in red. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your cooperation.