By Richard Thackray, Cushing Pride Director
(Cushing, Okla) — This is the first of what I hope to be many postings to a new bimonthly column. The intent is to congratulate the team that has demonstrated their commitment to Cushing Pride’s Adopt-A-Block program by cleaning their adopted area as close to the beginning of each month as possible. Teams will get further instructions in our monthly email reminder to forward photos of your cleanup along with a few facts about your team, business, organization. The mid-month issue will highlight a Cushing Pride project that is coming up, or a report on how successful an event was. There will be postings on various things that Cushing Pride supports in attempts to improve our city. As the columnist, I invite you to write me with suggestions that you believe Cushing Pride could tackle.
This month’s “Trashy” recognition goes to Enbridge Energy. This company has a significant presence in the Cushing area and has always been a great partner to numerous community activities. Mrs. Peggy Fowler is an administrator at the company located on South Linwood and has formed, recruited, and executed most of the outings for Enbridge for their adopted block. Their area is more than a block as it is truly one of, if not the TOP, hot spot that collects trash every month. I am describing the south side and median of Hwy 33 east of the Walmart traffic light eastbound to Norfolk Rd. The team takes their commitment seriously and stays on schedule when they plan their outing. Like an army invasion, the Enbridge trucks roll up as a convoy and start immediately covering their area thoroughly. This past Thursday saw reason for another feather in the Enbridge cap!