Catch the Reading Bug!
The Children’s Summer Reading Program got off to a great start with Professor B. Looney and his “Don’t Bug Me, I’m Reading” program. The children enjoyed the funny Professor and his silly friend. Each child left with a balloon insect created especially for them.
Next to appear was Illusionist Kevin Clouse who performed a magical show enjoyed by the children and adults.
There is more to look forward to. The last day to turn in reading slips will be Friday, July 11. The award ceremony will be Saturday, July 12 at 10:00 am in the Library auditorium. The drawing for the bicycles, generously donated by VFW Post 1118 will be held after the ceremony. (Must be present to win) To cap off the Summer Reading Program, the Cushing Rotary club is sponsoring a free swim party at the Cushing Aquatic Center on Sunday, July 13. Tickets will be available at the Library on Friday, July 11 and Saturday, July 12. All children who participated in the reading program are invited to both events.
The Summer Reading Program is sponsored by Oklahoma Department of Libraries, the Institute for Museum and Library Services, The Oklahoman, Sonic, McDonalds, VFW Post 1118 and Cushing Rotary Club.
Adult Summer Reading Program
New this year at the Library is the Adult Summer Reading Program. Adults can read two books and attend one book club meeting to be registered for a drawing for prizes including a $25 gift card from Radio Shack, gift baskets and books. For more information contact the Library at 225.4188.
The Adult Summer Reading Program is sponsored by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries, The Institute for Museum and Library Services and Radio Shack of Cushing.
Book Club
The Cushing Public Library Book Club met on June 30 and discussed books by Edna Ferber. Members are to bring suggested titles to the next meeting so book selections can be made for August and September. The next Book Club meeting is July 28 at 6:30 pm. The Book Club selection for July is The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. For information about the Book Club contact La Dawn at 225.4188.
Attention Manga Fans
For Manga fans we now subscribe to Shonen Jump, the world’s most popular Manga magazine. Catch up on the latest issue in the teen room at the library.