Run Beside Me
“And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness.” Isaiah 35:8
For Christmas my youngest daughter received a brand new bicycle. She has learned to ride her bicycle without training wheels. When she was learning, I would hold the bicycle by the seat and handlebars and run alongside her until I felt she could take off on her own. She did very well as long as I was running alongside. I also lost a little bit of weight trying to keep up with her.
There are going to be days in her and her sister’s future when they will wish I could still run alongside of them. There will be times when that added bit of security is of great encouragement. I pray that in their lifetime I will have instilled in them to put their entire trust in the Lord, because He is faithful. He is always available to run alongside of us and He never breaks a sweat.
The road, the “Way of Holiness,” is the way that followers of Jesus must travel from suffering to freedom. It is found only by following God. Only those who have received His great salvation will travel God’s highway; they will be protected from wicked travelers and harmful animals. God is preparing a way for His people to travel to His home, and He will walk with us. God never stops at simply pointing the way; He is always beside us as we go.
Prayer for the day: God, remind me that You are still running beside me, and when necessary let me feel You carrying me.