(Cushing, Okla.)  Due to the President’s visit on Thursday, things will be popping at KUSH Radio Station. The Donna and Molly Show, airing from 7 to 10 am weekdays, will kick off a “Two Stepping Thursday” that could be one for the history books.

Tomorrow’s episode may prove to be one worth listening to long after it has aired live. Our Two Stepping Thursday show will repeat all day, should you miss what could be a most memorable episode for the KUSH Girls and their listeners.

Sean Kelly, owner and station manager for KUSH Radio, will join other media sources as the President addresses federal energy issues including the Keystone Pipeline Project as part of a four state tour, in a designated area between Cushing and Ripley, at 10 am. If possible, part of the President’s scheduled appearance may be aired, should there be a way of bringing it to our listeners.

KUSH would like to remind our listeners that we provide daily local news updates at noon and at 5 pm and break in to our regularly scheduled programming as needed, keeping the Cimarron Valley informed of current events, weather and more within our community.

Meanwhile…. back at the KUSH ranch, so to speak…

At 7:15 am, the KUSH Girls be joined by Oklahoma State Representative, Lee Denney by phone in Studio B. We’ll find out whats happening in her corner of the world at the state capital as session continues to move forward on issues of importance within our state including decisions that effect the 2013 budget.

Martin Durbin, Executive VP, Government Affairs, API will join the KUSH Girls at KUSH Radio Station by phone during the Donna and Molly Show at 7:45 am until 8:15 am.   Durbin joined the American Petroleum Institute (API) in December 2009, as the executive vice president for government affairs. He is responsible for integrating API’s advocacy resources – federal affairs, state affairs, mobilization, and communications – in support of the organization’s priority advocacy objectives.

In other Two Stepping Thursday news on the Donna and Molly Show, we will be joined by Fannie Bates, during our 9 am segment, one of several protesters due in the area on Thursday.

Keep your radio dial on 1600 to hear the latest updates on President Obama’s visit and any breaking news concerning the Cimarron Valley, as it becomes available to the station.

The Cushing Police Department released information to KUSH this afternoon concerning road closings.   From 8:30 am until noon, beginning at the Cushing Airport continuing north on Little Street through Highway 18 ending at Highway 51, the Cushing Police Department advises this designated route will not be accessible to vehicles.

On behalf of the staff at KUSH Radio Station, we welcome President Obama to the Cimarron Valley!
