Members of American Legion Post 108 visited Cushing Regional Hospital this week bringing with them a new American flag to replace the tattered-looking flag flying from the pole.
“Since the donation of the flag pole at Cushing Regional Hospital by Jim and Barbara Roll, various individuals and organizations have donated American flags,” said CRH Foundation director Marian Gilkerson. “Unfortunately, the Oklahoma wind is very hard on the flags and they have to be replaced or repaired on a regular basis. Our loyal friends from the American Legion Post 108 have replaced and repaired more than one flag.”
Lehman Gaither, 2nd Vice Commander and his wife, Jean, James O’Kelly, Jr. (Roy) Herring and Charles Montanaro presented a new flag to the CRH Foundation. Jean Gaither was employed at Cushing Regional Hospital for over 25 years. James O’Kelly and Charles Montanaro serve with Mr. Gaither on the Post Honor Guard. Mr. O’Kelly is a retired military service person and Mr. Montanaro is a retired Merchant Marine – the only Merchant Marine American Legion member in Oklahoma.
American Legion Post 108 provide numerous flags in Cushing, including those on display in downtown, City Hall, the Fire Department, the Senior Citizen Center and the schools.
In addition to the Honor Guard, those also in attendance at the flag raising were Foundation Board members Dr. Robert Mullins, Roy Maye, Tom Cummings, Preston Box and Brandon Bullard, CRH CFO.
Gilkerson said that after everyone left, Lehman looked up at the flag waving in the wind and said, “Isn’t she beautiful! This is what I fought for – nearly froze to death in Korea.” He went on to tell about surviving 56 degree below zero temperatures and his socks freezing to his shoes.
Obviously moved by such service, Gilkerson said, “What outstanding citizens!”