By: Patti Weaver
(Stillwater, Okla.) — A Stillwater teenager accused of running a roadblock in the 2400 block of N. Perkins Road, attempting to elude police near the intersection of Airport Road and Washington Street, escaping from arrest, driving without a license, and transporting a loaded 9 mm semi-automatic Hi-point pistol that was not in a locked compartment in his vehicle has been jailed on $25,000 bail pending a Jan. 4 court appearance.
If convicted of a five-count charge, Nathan Daniel Vanvuren, 18, could be incarcerated for as long as nine and one-half years and fined $9,000, court records show.
After he was arrested at 12:08 am on Dec. 18 at 2200 N. Perkins Road, “Nathan stated he ran from the police due to him not having a driver’s license. He was told that was just a misdemeanor offense and would have been released from the scene.
“I went on to tell him he was now facing a few felony charges. Nathan admitted the gun was his, which was given to him by an acquaintance he knows as ‘Atray’ from the Tulsa area. He stated he did not pay for the weapon and carries it on his person when he goes out as a means of protection,” Stillwater Police Officer Dusty Behne alleged in an affidavit.
When the officer talked to a girl in the vehicle, “I asked her who the male was that ran. She told me she knows him as ‘Nate.’ She said she knows him through friends and Snapchat. Nathan told her he was 18.
“She asked me what happened. I told her I was pulling them over for a traffic infraction when she said she told him to pull over when she saw the lights and Nathan said not to worry about it and that they were going to get the f…. out of there. She said she did not want to get arrested and to please pull over. Nathan again told her no.
“She told me they had been in contact on Snapchat and agreed to meet up at the Stillwater High School. They then walked over to his mother’s residence to hang out before taking the vehicle. They had gone to the store to get some water and gas before going back to the park.
“Nathan took off after seeing me and she asked if he knew why we were pulling them over. He told her yeah and she said for him to just pull over. Nathan got quiet at this point. She was unaware of Nathan having a gun in the vehicle,” the officer alleged in his affidavit.
Stillwater Police Officer William Cluck “advised me that he located a firearm in a jacket pocket in the backseat of the vehicle,” the officer alleged in his affidavit.
Other officers “gave chase to Nathan and later apprehended him near Lakeview Pointe Dentistry,” the affidavit alleged.