by Molly Payne

(Cushing, Okla) — A special meeting of the Cushing Hospital Authority and Cushing Industrial Authority will be held Thursday, August 15th at 5:30 pm in City Hall.

There are two agenda items to be discussed in executive session:

1. Discuss the purchase or appraisal of real property

2. Discuss matters pertaining to economic development, including financial assistance to entice a business for community economic benefit.  Economic Development Director Bruce Johnson will address the Board on this item.

In Old Business, the Board will decide on a resolution authorizing the Chairman, Board of Trustees, to execute a Medical Building Lease with SMC (Stillwater Medical Center) for the property located at 1030 East Cherry.  This item was tabled at the last city meeting for staff follow up.

See link on article from previous City meeting: Impassioned Pleas Fill City Hall

This meeting is open to the public.