News Release

(STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA / 09-05-2019) — On Wednesday, September 4, 2019, the Department of Homeland Security served several search warrants in the City of Stillwater.  These search warrants were the result of a criminal investigation conducted by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).  The Stillwater Police Department cannot provide any information related to the search warrants and requests for additional information should be directed to the HSI public information office.


The HSI search warrant service resulted in several undocumented immigrant adults being detained and brought to the Stillwater Police Department.   HSI returned the majority of those individuals to the location where they were contacted, within a few hours.  Those who were not released were taken into custody by HSI for federal violations.


Several people took to social media and made inaccurate statements that “ICE” (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents were in town and “rounding up” immigrants and taking children into custody. The erroneous information spawned more social media post, which continued to distort the already incorrect information.


The Stillwater Police Department regularly contacts undocumented immigrants in our community.  We do not treat these community members any differently than we do any other citizen. Undocumented immigrants who are victims are provided the same level of service and afforded the same resources as any other community member.


Misinformation posted on social media could result in undocumented members of our community being hesitant to call the police when they need help or assistance.  Spreading misinformation places these members at an increased risk of being victimized and alienated from the services available to them through law enforcement and our community partners.


The Stillwater Police Department is committed to providing all members of our community with the same professional police services.