(Cushing, Okla.) Specialty acts are a long standing tradition in rodeo, an entertaining act can help keep the crowd engaged while the rodeo hands change ends of the arena, have intermission, or generally fill in while there is a break in the action.
The Cushing Community Rodeo has had numerous outstanding entertainers for the specialty act, and the 2013 rodeo will be no different.
Rider Kiesner, a trick roping expert is signed on to come and please the crowd.
It was Will Rogers who popularized trick roping, and Kiesner has not only managed to pick up on the tricks that Rogers made popular, but also develop a few of his own.
From his website, www.riderkiesner.com:
Born Oct 11, 1991, Rider Chase Kiesner is a multi-talented performer, a true Wild West showman. His performances include Whip Cracking, Gun Spinning, and his specialty, Trick Roping. Rider is considered one of the top trick ropers in the world.
Given a Will Rogers trick roping kit for Christmas when he was 9 years old, trick roping became his passion, and he aspired to be the best. Studying the great trick ropers of the past and present, his dedication to the art has led him to numerous titles including 2004 Monty Montana Showmanship Award, 2007 Will Rogers Rising Star, 2007 Trick Roper of the Year, 2009 World Champion Trick Roper, 2010 World Champion Trick Roper.
Along with these titles Rider has traveled and performed in all 48 lower United States, Canada, Mexico, China, Oman, Japan, U.A.E., France, and Lebanon. Born 5th generation into the horse industry, Rider’s other interests are team roping and calf roping.
Kiesner will be making his first appearance at the Cushing Community Rodeo, joining a long line of seasoned rodeo entertainers to make the trek to Cushing.