Media release


Oklahoma City – Educators, parents, rehabilitation leaders, advocates and students are invited to register for the 18th annual Oklahoma Transition Institute to be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on November 14 and 15.

The OTI is one of the top secondary transition conferences in the United States.

OTI 2023 will be an in-person event hosted at the Glenpool Conference Center located at 12205 S Yukon Ave in Glenpool.

OTI, hosted by the Oklahoma Transition Council, will focus on best practices, resources and collaboration to empower high school students with disabilities to successfully transition to post-secondary education and employment.

This year, the event theme is “Creating Connections.”

Those who attend will experience breakout sessions with subject matter experts, exhibitors, panel discussions with transition youth as well as employers from across the state. There will also be opportunities to connect and network with colleagues.

Participants may register at The cost to attend is $50

OTI sponsors include:

Oklahoma Rehabilitation Services Transition Services

Oklahoma ABLE Tech

Oklahoma Association of People Supporting Employment (OK APSE)

Oklahoma CareerTech

Oklahoma Department of Education Special Education Services

Oklahoma Rehabilitation Council

Oklahoma Transition Council

OU National Center for Disability Education and Training.


The Oklahoma Transition Council includes representatives from organizations committed to improving transition education, planning and services that lead to successful post-school outcomes for students with disabilities:

Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation Board

Dale Rogers Training Center

Developmental Disabilities Council of Oklahoma

Down Syndrome Association of Central Oklahoma

National Center for Disability Education Training

Norman Public Schools

Oklahoma ABLE Tech

Oklahoma Autism Network

Oklahoma Career Tech

Oklahoma Department of Education, Special Education Services

Oklahoma Family Network

Oklahoma Human Services, Developmental Disabilities Services

Oklahoma Rehabilitation Council

Oklahoma Rehabilitation Services, Transition Services

Oklahoma Disability Law Center

Owasso Public Schools

Pervasive Parenting Center

Thunderbird Club House

Zarrow Institute on Transition and Self-Determination


For more information or assistance with purchase orders, contact Yolanda Scott M.Ed., program manager for Youth Services at Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation Board, at 405-202-1069 or [email protected].