(Cushing, OK)  The Lachenmeyer Arts Center will host the Oklahoma Arts Institute’s Tour de Quartz.  The exhibition features paintings and photographs produced by Oklahoma high school students during the 2011 Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute at Quartz Mountain, held in June.  The Tour de Quartz will be displayed at the Lachenmeyer through December 16, 2011.

“We are excited that our exhibition will be in Cushing during the holiday season,” Emily Clinton, Oklahoma Arts Institute director of programs.  “We think that will be a great time for families to come out and see the artwork.  It can be inspiring for young people to see the work of other young people on display.”

Tour de Quartz is a selection of artwork created by students from across the state during their two-week residency at Quartz Mountain.  The painting portion of the exhibition represents a variety of projects undertaken by the drawing/painting students, including self-portraits and still lifes.  The photography students experimented with lighting and illusion.  Some played with shadows and depth of field  to disguise or transform the subject, while others conducted underwater shoots with waterproof camera bags.

During their time at OSAI, students are immersed in one of nine artistic fields taught by nationally renowned artists.  Former faculty include winners of the Academy, Tony, Emmy and Grammy awards and the Pulitzer Prize.  The 2011 drawing & painting students were taught by Richard Hull of Chicago, Illinois.  Connie Imboden of Baltimore, Maryland led the photography students.

The Lachenmeyer Arts Center is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 am to 5 pm., and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 9 pm.  Admission is free.  More information about the art center is available at 918-225-7525.  For more information about the Oklahoma Arts Institute or the Tour de Quartz, visit www.oaiquartz.org or call 405-321-9000.

The Tour de Quartz is sponsored by ONEOK Inc., Williams, and Sonic, America’s Drive In.

The Tour de Quartz students were selected by competitive statewide auditions, and every accepted student automatically receives a full scholarship to the program.  Auditions for OSAI 2012 begin in January at locations throughout the state.  For more information about auditions and the program, visit www.oaiquartz.org.

The Oklahoma Arts Institute is a private, non-profit organization developed in 1977, with a mission to provide exceptional multidisciplinary arts experiences that develop individual talent and inspire a lifelong passion for the arts.  OAI administers a program for talented Oklahoma youth every June and a series of continuing education workshops for adults every fall.
