By Molly Payne

(Cushing, Okla) — Vice-Chairman of the Cushing Board of Commissioners B.J. Roberson made a proclamation at Monday evening’s meeting proclaiming National Runaway Prevention Month in Cushing and Payne County.  Accepting the proclamation was Executive Director of Payne County Youth Services Janet Fultz.

Fultz spoke briefly about Payne County Youth Services and the services they provide for local youth and families in Payne County.  She announced PCYS now has an office open in Cushing on Tuesday mornings, 9 am – noon, and Thursday afternoons, 1 – 4 pm at the Cushing Public Safety Center.  Fultz also mentioned she would be in contact regarding the Green Light Initiative which will bring awareness of National Runaway Prevention Month.

Payne County Youth Services, Inc. (PCYS) is a private, non-profit (501(c)3) agency designed to aid children and youth, ages birth-22, and their families, who are in crisis or who are seeking preventative and transitional services, and request the assistance of counselors, our shelter, transitional living, psycho-educators, or support groups. Our Foster Care program recruits, trains, and supports foster parents. PCYS provides exemplary local, 24/7 support to our foster families. There is no charge for our services.

To learn more about Payne County Youth Services visit


“Whereas, National Runaway Prevention Month began in 2002 and is spearheaded each year by the National Runaway Safeline (NRS), the federally designated national communication system for runaway and homeless youth; and locally in the communities of Payne County through Payne County Youth Services, Inc. and partners;

Whereas, the prevalence of runaway and homelessness among youth is staggering, with studies suggesting that every year, 4.2 million people ages 13 – 25 endure some form of homelessness;

Whereas, runaway youth are often expelled from their home; have experienced abuse and trauma; are involved in the foster care system; are too poor to secure their own basic needs; and may be ineligible or unable to access adequate medical or mental health resources;

Whereas, children and youth who run away are at increased danger for falling into high-risk situations, including human trafficking;

Whereas, effective programs supporting runaway youth and assisting youth and their families in providing safe and stable homes, succeed because of partnerships created among families, youth-based advocacy organizations, community-based human service agencies, law enforcement, schools, faith-based organizations, and businesses;

Whereas, the National Runaway Safeline is honoring November as National Runaway Prevention Month to raise awareness of the issues facing runaway and homeless youth and educate the public about solutions and the role they can play in ending youth homelessness.

Now, therefore, I, B.J. Roberson, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Cushing do hereby proclaim the month of November 


Across the City of Cushing and Payne County, I urge all citizens to support the effort to increase public awareness about, advocate on behalf of, and provide positive and safe alternatives to runaway and homeless youth and their families.”