(Cushing, Okla.) Cushing’s Tomorrow’s Leaders attended the regular meeting of the Cushing Board of Commissioners held Monday evening at City Hall. Most likely it will be a meeting they will look back on and realize they witnessed a little history in the making. (Tomorrow’s Leaders is a selected group of juniors from Cushing High School.)
The approval of agenda item #5 could be considered monumental in the eyes of some.
The ordinance amends the City’s employee retirement system, defined benefit plan, to incorporate the new “definition of spouse” to comply with recent Federal rulings recognizing gay marriage in the state of Oklahoma.
“This is a requirement of the IRS code, to stay in compliance,” City Manager Steve Spears explained.
There was no discussion on the subject and the measure passed 4 – 0. Joe Manning was not in attendance at Monday’s meeting.
In other business, commissioners approved the purchase of a new sand spreader for the Street Department for the sum of $12,377.00. The new equipment will aid in ice and snow removal.Also on the agenda – a resolution to execute an agreement with the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group (OMAG) for the 2011-2012 workers’ compensation plan refund – sum total: $6,394.66.
“This [the refund] reflects our employees are working safely,” Commissioner Terry Brannon noted. “I commend them for that.”
Other items approved:
A resolution to execute a contract with BDB Engineering Group for replacement of the AWOS (provides real-time weather reports) at the Cushing Regional Airport. A grant has been procurred to cover 90 percent of the expense. The City will cover the remaining 10 percent.
A conditional use permit for a mobile home on North Linwood. “I appreciate that you’ve kept it looking nice,” Brannon told Elmer Ledgerwood, owner of the property.
Two requests from American Energy – Woodford, LLC to drill and operate an oil and gas wells near Cushing. Prior to voting, Brannon asked Spears if there have been any environmental issues in relations to other wells in the area. Spears said there hasn’t been.
In remarks from commissioners, Brannon expressed his desire for the council to revisit a dog shelter in Cushing. He also said in looking at over the tax revenues (which has seen a decline in recent months) he would like for the commission to plan projects based on what’s most relevant.
Under Cushing Hospital Authority business, the Board approved to renew the lease agreement with United Community Action Program (Head Start facility) for another year. Sum total for year: $12,000.
The Cushing Board of Commissioners holds monthly meetings the third Monday of each month. Meetings are open to the public.