High school officials recently announced a new dress code for all Cushing High School students for the school year 2010 – 2011. According to those officials, the student dress code is “based upon the premise of recognizing fashion without sacrificing decency, safety, and general good taste.” Any attire, which disrupts the educational process, is prohibited. Students who are dressed inappropriately will be asked to change and may be sent home and counted absent from any classes they miss.
The following clothing items are prohibited:
Hats or head coverings (beanies, bandannas, etc.) of any kind
Hooded sweatshirts may be worn as long as the hood is not used.
Clothing that promotes or displays gang affiliation (colors, bandannas, etc.)
Tank tops, halter tops, camisoles, muscle shirts, or any other kind of sleeveless shirt. All shirts must have sleeves (no tank tops, off the shoulder shirts, halter tops, muscle shirts, mesh shirts, etc.)
Low cut V-neck or open back shirts
Excessively short skirts or shorts. Shorts and skirts must be no less than mid thigh. no biker-shorts, boxer shorts or pajama pants.
Clothing that reveals underwear, bare midriff, or shoulders are prohibited.
*No low crotched jeans or pants
*No sagging jeans or pants
*Shirts must meet the waist band
*Pants must be worn above the buttocks
*Holes in pants should be patched (no skin or undergarments showing)
Shirts, sweatshirts. or other articles of clothing advertising drugs or alcohol or profane language.
Shirts may not be tied up or back to expose the midriff.
Hair Color: No extreme unnatural hair color.
Chains, large rings, jewelry or shoes that may be used as weapons are not allowed on campus.
Due to safety concerns, no visible piercing of the body, with the exception of the ears will be allowed.
No house shoes allowed in school.
First Offense – lunch detention
Second Offense – after school detention (Tuesday and Thursday)
Third Offense – 3 days ISS (in school suspension)
Fourth Offense – 5 days ISS
More than four offenses – out-of-school suspension in increasing increments per additional offense.
Any absence incurred due to a dress code violation will be an unexcused absence and will count toward the student’s absence total for the semester without exception.
Any hats or other headwear confiscated by either a teacher or administrator will not be returned to the student or parent until the end of the school year or at such time when the student officially withdraws from school.