This week’s neighbor of the week is Anna Lee Pippenger. What makes her so special? Well, besides the following reasons written by her nominator, she is the mother of this writer AND the one who nominated our first ever Neighbor of the Week. I guess it really does “take one to know one.”

Neighbor of the Week nomination letter:

“I cannot say enough about Anna Pippenger! She is the most caring person that I have known. She is a wonderful Christian lady, who I feel is an excellent example to everyone of what a good neighbor represents. When you meet Anna for the first time, she will be your good neighbor and friend for life!

Anna is on my shepherd list at my church and I definitely feel I benefit more from her than she does me. When I stop by or call her, she is so ‘uplifting’ and always concerned about me and my family. If I miss a day to two not calling her, she is calling to check on me.

She never complains and ALWAYS puts everyone else first.

When I decided to nominate Anna for Neighbor of the Week, I felt I needed to contact those who live close to her to get their comments. And as I suspected, all of her neighbors spoke very highly of Anna and said that she was deserving of this award.

Vivian Martin and Mattie Muck, her neighbors across the street, both said that they feel very blessed to have Anna as their neighbor. She checks on each of them daily, especially when they are ill, to see if they need anything, takes their paper in to them and even offers to carry their trash out to the dumpster. Mattie commented that when a new neighbor moves in, Anna is always there to meet and welcome them to the neighborhood.

Her new neighbor next door, Flo Tarver, said that if she was to hand pick her neighbor, it would definitely be ‘an Anna Pippenger.’ She said that Anna will check on her, offering to take her trash out and looks after her house when she is gone. She has even brought food to her when she was ill. She said that Anna was the sweetest and most caring neighbor you could ever find.

Anna is very dedicated in caring for her husband who has health problems, but as you can see, she still always finds the time to check on her neighbors.

Sometimes a good neighbor is hard to find, but not on 5th Street because Anna Pippenger is there to help everyone.

So, on behalf of Anna’s neighbors and myself, it is with great pleasure that I submit ANNA PIPPENGER’s name for Neighbor of the Week.”


Carolyn Allison

Congratulations to Anna Lee Pippenger as this week’s Neighbor of the Week!

If you would like to nominate someone you know for Neighbor of the Week, entry forms can be picked up and returned to the following locations: Jolley Realty, 123 W. Broadway, Cushing Senior Citizen Center, 203 E. Cherry, Cushing Chamber of Commerce, 1301 E. Main or Dr. Mullins, Natural Choice, 1236 E. Main. You may also contact KUSH at 918-225-0922 or email us at [email protected]
