May –  C.A.R.E. (Cushing Area Resource Exchange) meeting

Date & Time:           Thursday, May 19th, 2011


Location:                    CRH Auxiliary Education Room

                                    1027 East Cherry

                                    Cushing, OK  74023

Topic/Speaker:        Networking, Roundtable Discussion & Spotlight Speaker

                                    Ida Herrimon – Cedar Lane Apartment Manager

Free Lunch compliments of CRH -Limited Seating – Please RSVP at 918-225-8498 or email [email protected]

We will also discuss the 5th annual C.A.R.E. Health fair.  Please email me if your organization plans to have a booth.  If you are interested in participating, please attend the meeting.


(The C.A.R.E. health fair will be Thursday, July 28th from 8-10:30 at the Cushing Senior Center/Project Heart)
