(Cushing, Okla.) Please plan on joining the Cushing Regional Hospital in helping the citizens of the Cimarron Region celebrate the graduation and certification of three of our local firemen to the paramedic status. This is only possible due to the hard work of everyone in the community.
This has been a true community effort. The City Commission worked hard on the budget to make sure money was available for the increase in salaries; CRH Foundation and the Cushing Masonic Lodge organized golf events that generated funds to provide the tuition funding for the EMTs: The citizens of Cushing voted a tax extension to pay for a new ambulance and to up-grade a current ambulance: Cushing Regional Hospital worked diligently with Central Technology to provide the students a location for their clinical hours. Central Technology organized the classes with our EMTs in mind. Without the effort of each of these entities, the goal could not have been reached.
The reception will take place on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 from 3 – 5 pm at the Cushing Reginal Hospital Education Room.
Cushing Regional Hospital Foundation would like to remind everyone that ” It takes a whole community to achieve this success!” On behalf of everyone involved in this effort of achievement, the foundation gives their deepest thanks and gratitude.