(Cushing, Okla) Jim Pickard, President of the Lions Club International, called the meeting to order today with song and pledge by Lion Jerry Snyder. This was followed by a prayer and prayer requests for the family of Vivian Martin whom recently passed away.

Lions Club then introduced guest Donna Judd, of Red Dirt Media.

President Pickard talked about fruit sales before introducing fruit sales Chairman, Lion Russ Thurman. Both Thurman and Pickard updated the club on the sales progress. Then informed the Lion’s Club members that the fruit that had sold would be available to be picked up at about 7:30 (am) Monday, December 1, 2014 at Buck’s Warehouse (behind Brother’s Liquor Store) Main and Steele Streets (Cushing).

Lion Cummings then gave a report on Pedia Screening (Spot Vision) which took place last Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at Skyline School (Stillwater). Cummings said about 120 to 130 kids were screened that day. He went on to speak inconjunction with the Pedia Vision Screening of Kim Ridenour (Small Miracles) and guests from last week more specifically the guests that Lions Club had from Harrah, Oklahoma.

The meeting adjourned around 1:00 (p.m.).

Cushing Lions Club meets each Tuesday at noon in the Lion’s Den in downtown Cushing.
