Cushing Lions Club recently held an installation ceremony for their new officers. Members celebrated 88 years of tradition as the gavel was passed from 2007-2008 president Lou Griffin to incoming president Sharon Hudgins-Rozell.
Officers for 2008 – 2009 are as follows:
President, Sharon Hudgins-Rozell, 1st Vice-president, Tom Cummings, 2nd Vice-president, Anita Marler, 3rd Vice-president, Patrick Krittenbrink, Past president, Lou Griffin, *Secretary, (*open – recently vacated by Neta Blake, due to health reasons),Recording secretary, Lou Griffin, Treasurer, Chuck Crooks, Membership, Kateri Holbert, Lion Tamer, W.H. Prather, Tail Twisters, Hal Hughes, Fred Caudle, and Greeters, R.G. Hauptfleisch and Marian Shiever.