Following a bit of confusion as to the date, it has been confirmed that the first of a series of Legislative Luncheons will be held this Friday, Dec. 11th, at noon, at the Cushing Country Club.

It is customary for the Legislative Luncheons to begin after the new session begins in February of each year.  However, due to the definite possibility of legislators being called into early session, Chamber members decided to hold the first luncheon in December. 

Confirmed speakers at Friday’s luncheon are Representative Lee Denney and Senator Jim Halligan.  Others invited include representatives from the offices of Congressman Frank Lucas and Senator Tom Coburn, as well as Commissioner Bill Deering and Interim City Manager Steve Spears.

Legislative Luncheons are open to the public and give citizens the opportunity to voice their concerns to local legislators.

If you would like to attend, please call the Cushing Chamber of Commerce at (918) 225-2400 and leave a message as to the number attending.
