The month of January is known as National Braille Literary awareness month. The name Braille honors the father of the code Louis Braille. (This is according to both Wikipedia and
According to Wikipedia, Braille lost his eyesight in childhood due to an accident. At the age of 15 he developed a code for the French alphabet as an improvement on night writing (sonography) a system of code (tactile writing) designed by Charles Barbier that used symbols of twelve dots arranged as two columns of six dots embossed on a square of paperboard. Wikipedia also states that when Braille published his system it included musical notation in 1829. The second revision that was published in 1837 was the first digital (binary) form of writing which was followed by the expanded English system, called Grade-2 Braille, which was complete by 1905.
According to The Lions Center for the Blind website The Lions Center for the Blind offers one on one Braille instruction in English literary Braille, as well as the Nemeth Braille code used for mathematics. A state of the art Braille embosser allows for onsite production of a variety of Braille documents.
Using Braille code can help increase literacy by allowing those without sight to read and write.
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