(Stillwater, Okla.) — A Glencoe man who admitted possessing a stolen 1954 International model cultivating tractor has been placed on probation for three years with an order to perform 75 hours of community service within 12 months.

Devin Raymond Hiltzman, 22, had already paid $1,471 restitution before he pleaded guilty in March, his attorney Sarah Kennedy told District Judge Phillip Corley, who placed him under a three-year deferred sentence.

Payne County Sheriff’s Deputy Brandon Myers had been sent to a rural Glencoe man’s property on a burglary report on May 19, 2013, according to his affidavit.

The victim reported that he discovered his tractor, which he used to cultivate his watermelon patch, had been stolen from a barn on the property, the affidavit said.

The day before the deputy was called to the scene, Hiltzman and an unknown person had sold the man’s tractor at Northern Oklahoma Metals on N. Jardot for about $200 in scrap, the affidavit said.

The scrap yard had not yet crushed the tractor, which the victim identified as his, the affidavit said.

A month later, Hiltzman was arrested on an unrelated offense and questioned about the stolen tractor, the affidavit said.

“He admitted to entering the property through a closed gate and used his truck and grandfather’s trailer to steal the tractor from the barn,” the affidavit said.

“The barn was closed. He admitted to taking it to the scrap yard and selling it for a little over $200,” the affidavit said.

“He also admitted he did not know who the tractor belonged to and knew he was stealing it,” the affidavit said.

A month after the stolen tractor incident, Hiltzman was arrested by Glencoe Police Officer Geron Loveland for domestic violence, to which Hiltzman pleaded guilty four months later, court records show.

For that misdemeanor, Hiltzman was placed on one year’s probation last October with an order to have a drug and alcohol evaluation, to follow any recommendations, to take an anger management course and to perform 20 hours of community service. He was fined $100 and ordered to pay $150 to the victim’s compensation fund.
