Lachenmeyer Arts Center is asking you to save the date for this years Festival in the Park, happening this Saturday, October 11, 2014. They are asking you to please help them celebrate their 26th year by participating in the Purchase Award program. The Purchase Award program is a program in which you make a commitment to buy art prior to the Festival in the Park. This program allows Lachenmeyer Arts Center to bring quality artists to Cushing. You simply send Lachenmeyer Arts Center your check with the amount you wish to spend at the Festival. The Art Purchase Awards are sold in amounts of $25, $50 & $100 or more. You can pick up your purchase award coupons at the Lachenmeyer Arts Center table the day of the festival. Coupons are spent like cash and exchanged for artwork in the artist’s booths. A certificate acknowledging your name and/or business will be placed in the artist’s booth. This is a great opportunity to buy unique gifts for someone special.

Drumright Dental Center and RCB Bank have each donated $250 to give away in purchase awards. To be eligible you must buy a purchase award. Your name will be put in the drawing once for every $25 you buy in purchase awards. Two $250 purchase awards will be given away at 11:00 a.m. during the Festival. (Restrictions apply)

The purchase award program allows the Arts Center to attract artists who usually don’t participate in art shows that are held in the smaller communities like Cushing. The Art Center asks that you please consider participating!

Your pledge form and check need to be returned by October 7, 2014. (Please make checks payable to Lachenmeyer Arts Center or LAC.) Forms can be picked up at Lachenmeyer Arts Center located at 700 S. Little in Cushing (inside the Cushing Youth Center).

The Arts Center asks for your participation so artists will continue to participate in the Festival in the Park as a result of your involvement in the purchase award program.

