(Cushing, Okla.) Tuesday, Nov. 4th is election day in the State of Oklahoma. Key races are: Governor, Lt. Governor, Superintendent of Public Instruction, as well as Labor Commissioner and US Senate. Three state questions are also on Tuesday’s ballot.
To see a sample ballot for Payne County click here: Sample Ballot Payne County
To find your polling place click here: Payne County Polls
In Payne County, voters will decide between incumbent James Cowan and his opponent H.E. Ted Smith for Payne County Assessor.
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
KUSH Radio will be broadcasting election updates throughout the evening.
To learn more about the candidates visit their websites or Facebook page:
Governors race:
Joe Dorman (Dem): https://joedorman.com/
Mary Fallin (Rep/incumbent): https://www.maryfallin.org/
Kimberly Willis (Ind): www.kimberlyforgovernor.com
Richard Prawdzienski (Ind): www.prawdzienski4gov.com/
Lt. Governors race:
Cathy Cummings (Dem): www.voteforcathy.com/
Todd Lamb (Rep/incumbent) :www.votetoddlamb.com/
Superintendent of Public Instruction race:
John Cox (Dem): https://okeducation.us/
Joy Hofmeister (Rep): www.joyforoklahoma.com
Commissioner of Labor race:
Mike Workman (Dem): https://www.facebook.com/OKLabor
Mark Costello (Rep/incumbent): https://www.facebook.com/MarkCostelloforOklahoma
Congressional Officers:
U.S. Senate:
Matt Silverstein (Dem): www.mattforoklahoma.com/
Jim Inhofe (Rep/incumbent): www.jiminhofe.com/
Aaron DeLozier (Ind): www.aarondelozier.com/
Ray Woods (Ind): https://www.rebootconstitution.com/Reboot_Ray.html
Joan Farr (Ind): www.joanfarrforussenate.com/
U.S. Senate: *unexpired term
Connie Johnson (Dem): www.cj4ok.com/
James Lankford (Rep):www.jameslankfordandconservatives.com
Mark T. Beard (Ind): N/A
U.S. Representative District 03
Frankie Robbins (Dem): https://ballotpedia.org/Frankie_Robbins
Frank D. Lucas (Rep/incumbent): www.frankdlucas.com
State Representative District 35
Wannetta A. Cloyd (Dem): N/A
Dennis Casey (Rep/incumbent): N/A
Payne County Assessor
H.E. Ted Smith (Dem): www.tedsmith4assessor.com/
James Cowan (Rep/incumbent): https://www.facebook.com/cowanforassessor