(Cushing, Okla.)  At 8:51 this morning Cushing was shaken by another earthquake. USGS reports indicated it was a 4.3 magnitude quake, but the Oklahoma Geological Survey is indicating it was 4.5 in magnitude. The location of this morning’s quake was approximately 2 miles S/SW of Cushing – near the same location as the quake felt on Tuesday.  Today’s quake was reported to be shallower than Tuesday’s, which is why many residents felt it was much worse than the previous.

KUSH has received reports of damage ranging from broken dishes, pictures, and windows in private homes to moderate damage at the Cushing Youth Center. Other minor damage has been reported at Valley Hope, Cushing Airport and the Cushing Public Safety Center. Emergency Management Director Bob Noltensmeyer is currently still surveying for damage to other buildings in the area.

Although Cushing residents felt the brunt of the earthquake, residents in Chandler, Stroud, Drumright, Stillwater and as far away as Wichita, Kansas have reported feeling the shaking.

With cold weather coming in tonight and in light of the recent earthquakes, Noltensmeyer urged citizens to have their chimneys checked out before building a fire.

Earthquake information sources: www.okgeosurvey1.gov;




