(Cushing, Okla.)  Would you like to see what Doug Baker looks like in a purple beard?  You have the opportunity.  Not just in a “doctored” picture, but for REAL.

Pharmacist and Baker Pharmacy owner Doug Baker has agreed that if his employees can raise $5,000 for Relay for Life by May 24, 2013, he will dye his beard purple until the Relay for Life event on June 1, 2013.

Donations can be made at Baker Pharmacy, 1022 E. Cherry.  There are a couple of ways to make a donation:

Purchase baked goods each Friday through the month of May at Baker’s Bake Sale.  Starts at 9 a.m. and goes until the goodies are gone!

OR just make a cash donation.

All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society.

Help the Baker Pharmacy team TURN DOUG’S BEARD PURPLE!
