The alumni association needs to make contact with all classes making plans for an anniversary celebration for Memorial Day Weekend in May. The 2009 All Class Alumni Weekend is scheduled for May 22 & 23. The alumni association would like to extend an invitation for these celebrating classes and to all alumnus to get involved.
The association extends an invitation to all classes to make use of our wonderful Alumni Hall… be a part of the parade…attend the banquet…come to meetings and help make this year… as well as next year-the best it can be!
If you haven’t paid your annual alumni dues… it’s never too late! Simply submit your maiden/full name and class along with $5 to:
Cushing Alumni Association
P.O. Box 642
Cushing 74023
If you would like to become a lifetime member and never pay dues again Simply send a $100 check to the association with your information.
If you can’t make this year’s reunion, or your class would like to submit a donation for the upkeep of the Alumni Hall or other venues connected with being an alumnus as a part of the alumni association, your efforts are greatly appreciated!
Either way you go, your helping to support the Alumni Hall with expenses such as utilities, upkeep, scholarships and more!
Visiting alumni, including myself, made a monthly meeting that the Class of 1959 was having recently at a local Mexican restaurant. Wow, has that class got it going on! This year marks their 50th… and it sounds like more memories will certainly be in order! Class President, Gary Harmon, was a fantastic spokesperson… he even bought our lunch! Thanks Gary! As part of the Class of 1959’s 50th celebration, those ’59ers are invited to decorate the front window of the Alumni Hall and make use of the Hall as they wish. They have great attendance at their meetings and they are a class to be commended when it comes to involvement of their class celebrations! Other classes should be so lucky!
If you need to submit information or have questions, please email:
You can also submit information to KUSH Radio,
just title it in the subject box:
Alumni Question or Alumni Information
and email it to Kush Radio at:
The Alumni Association looks forward to hearing from your class!
And if you need something announced on this Alumni page, send us an email!
Looking forward to the 2009 All Class Alumni Weekend – can’t wait to see you all there!
And this, my fellow alumni, is my ’77 Rant till next time!