There has been a lot of “Pet Talk” lately – not only on the Donna and Molly Show, but around town. Many people are/were unaware that if your pet is picked up by the Animal Control Officer it is up to you to contact Animal Welfare as soon as possible. Pets have only 72 hours to be claimed or put up for adoption or euthanized.
Rebecca Stowers has put together the following tips for pet owners:
Put a collar AND phone number on your pets – including cats
Those who live within the city limits need to register their pets at City Hall to obtain a city tag.
If your pet is missing – DO NOT WAIT FOR YOUR PET TO COME BACK HOME! Once an animal is picked up by Animal Welfare, it has only 72 hours to be claimed or be put up for adoption – or worse yet – BE KILLED!
#1. Call Police dept 225 1212. Have the Dispatcher notify Animal Welfare of the following information.
A– Type of missing Pet
B– Color, breed,sex, last seen at what Date and Location.
C– Name and phone number
D– Call Humane Society. 225 2140. Or 225 3785.
E– Call all of local veterinarians and provide them with the
same information.
F– Place an ad in local News Papers.
G– Place photos of lost Pet in local stores.
H– Visit the Animal Shelter in person and look at the animals
just in case your pet’s collar has come off.
Please spay and/or neuter you pets! Not only will they be less likely to “escape” during breeding season, it will cut down on the number of unwanted animals.