(Stillwater) – A Cushing woman has been charged with five counts of uttering a forged instrument after allegedly passing checks at several Cushing businesses. Larita Sherrie Franklin, 30, of Cushing was charged on March 11, 2010 with five counts of uttering a forged instrument after former conviction of a felony.
According to court documents, on January 27, 2010 Franklin allegedly took a book of checks out of the victim’s home. Later that day Franklin Wrote five checks, one each to Mavieric Mini Mart, Braum’s, Bill’s E-Z Out, and Escott’s Grocery where they were accepted. Franklin also wrote one check Hibbet’s Sporting Goods where it was declined.
Bradley Staggs of the Cushing Police Department, when investigating the check forgeries was able to obtain video surveillance from Escott’s Grocery and Bill’s E-Z Out of Franklin allegedly writing the checks. When Staggs took images of Franklin to Hibbet’s Sporting Goods, the cashier identified Franklin as the woman who was allegedly trying to pass the forged check.
When Staggs interviewed Franklin she admitted to writing the checks, the defendant also admitting to trying to forge a check at Wal-Mart. When asked how she got the checks she stated she just took them off the victim’s bed.