(Cushing)- Cushing Voters will cast ballots Tuesday in a municipal election and a school election. A City Commission primary is on the ballot for voters registered within the city limits, and a school bond issue will be decided by voters within the Cushing School District.
In the Commission election, three candidates are vying for a three year term on the Board of Commissioners including the incumbent, Evert Rossiter. He is challenged by Trace Rowe, and Ray Singley. If none of the candidates receive more than fifty per cent of the vote, the top two vote getters will advance to the general election next month.
The bond issues before the public are twofold – one includes updates for the computer systems – especially at Cushing Middle School and Cushing High School.
Another proposition will involve the repair of school parking lots.
Another request is for approximately $100,000 to build an indoor hitting and pitching facility. The facility proposed would be 40 feet x 100 feet – 20 feet of which would be used for storage. It would also include a girls and boys bathroom.
The second bond issue – and the larger of the two – would involve $775,000 to replace the second half of the school buses. Two of the buses are over 20 years old and six have structural problems and must be replaced. One other bus – a handicap bus, which is a 1992 model, will be replaced as well but will be kept as a spare.
Should the bond propositions be accepted by the voters it would merely extend the taxes already in place and not increase them.
Polls will be open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Election results will be broadcast on KUSH as soon as they are available, and posted here on 1600kush.com