(Stillwater) — A Cushing teenager who was arrested in November for allegedly purchasing an excessive amount of pseudoephedrine has been ordered to appear in court Jan. 8 for a preliminary hearing on four counts of burglary.

    Justin Kelly Bass, 18, remains in the Payne County Jail on a charge of buying in excess of nine grams of the drug, which can be used to make methamphetamine, from Walgreen Pharmacy in Stillwater and Walmart in Cushing between Sept. 27 and Oct. 17.

    Bass has also been charged with breaking into three vehicles at Donnie’s Auto in downtown Cushing on Nov. 4, court records show.

    He has also been charged with breaking into a house in the 800 block of East Main in Cushing on Nov. 2, court records show.

    If convicted of all four felony counts of second-degree burglary, Bass could be given as much as a 28-year prison term.

    If convicted of the misdemeanor charge of purchasing in excess of nine grams of pseudoephedrine within a 30-day period, he could be given an additional one year of incarceration, court records show.
