(Cushing, Okla.) In 1939: The University of Oregon defeated Ohio State University 46 – 33 to win the championship of the first NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament; John Steinbeck published the Grapes of Wrath; Batman, created by Bob Kane (and, unofficially, Bill Finger) made his first appearance in a comic book; The first Little League Baseball game was played in Williamsport, PA; Lou Gehrig retired from the New York Yankees; Siam changed its name to Thailand, which means “Free Land” AND…The NEW Cushing Public Library building was dedicated!
The public is invited to come celebrate 75 years the Cushing Public Library has been in its current location at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 8th.
Did you know?
Cushing has always had a public library. The first one was located on the top floor of old City Hall.
It began when several women of the Hypatia Club gathered up donations of used books and stored them at the Methodist Church until the rooms were ready at City Hall. Once they were ready, they were moved and placed on shelves.
The library was operated on strictly a volunteer basis and there was no money for salaries, books or supplies.
It was in the late 1930s the people of Cushing decided they wanted a modern library.
There have only been four head librarians: Olivette Snyder, who worked hard for passage of the bonds to build the library.
Willa Grace became head librarian in 1945. Grace began the first story hour at the library.
Ruth Ann Johnson – took over as head librarian in 1975 and retired in 2007 after nearly 50 years working at the library.
LaDawn Connor – current head librarian
On Oct. 8th, 1939, W.B. Bizzell, President of the University of Oklahoma gave the address at the dedication of the Cushing Public Library.
Come celebrate the Library on Wednesday, Oct. 8th at 2 p.m.
Cushing Public Library is located at 215 N. Steele Avenue. Hours are: Monday thru Thursday 9 a.m. – 8 p.m., Friday & Sat. 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. LIKE it on Facebook by clicking here: Cushing Public Library. For more information call 918-225-4188.