(Cushing, Okla.) Cushing Police Department and the Cushing Fire Department went team to team for Breast Cancer Awareness on Friday night. According to Marian Gilkerson, Director of the CRH Foundation, said over $1500 was raised through t-shirt sales and donations for the event. Proceeds go to the Foundation to help defray expenses for local breast cancer patients who don’t have coverage or need assistance during treatment. Criteria must be met to qualify for those funds.
The 1st “Guns & Hoses” Bowl for the Cure fundraiser was held at Frontier Bowl in Cushing with 6 member teams from the Cushing Police Department and the Cushing Fire Department viaing for the trophy. Cushing PD won the match by over 100 points.
Fire Chief Chris Pixler said, “Congratulations to the Cushing Police Department on winning the 1st Guns vs. Hoses bowling tournament to support the Cushing Regional Hospital Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon. We are proud to have competed with them to raise money for this great cause! Thanks to Captain Reed, Captain Morris, FF Blevins and FF Leach for being part of our team.” Fire Chief Chris Pixler and Deputy Fire Chief Derrick Griffith were the other two making up the team.
Cushing Police Chief Tully Folden thanked everyone participating in the Bowl for the Cure – especially the Cushing Fire Department. “We had a great time and enjoyed supporting such a great cause!”
Those participating from the Cushing PD were: Chief Folden, Deputy Chief Claxton, Sgt. Watts, MPO McCarty, Ofc. Livergood, and Ofc. Hall
The trophy is proudly on display on the Police Department side of the Cushing Public Safety Center.
For those interested in purchasing tickets to the Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon to be held at the First United Methodist Church on Oct. 21st may contact Marian Gilkerson at 918-225-8125. Tickets are just $25. Silent auction gift baskets are currently on display at both Bank of Cushing locations and RCB Bank in downtown Cushing.