(Cushing, Okla.)  In the past two weeks members of the Cushing Police Department have been receiving promotions.  Adam Harp and Carson Watts were promoted to Sergeant on Jan. 9, 2013 and most recently Justin Sappington and Matt Piatt were promoted to Master Patrol Officer, with Sappington as the Senior Master Patrol Officer.

“With all the challenges we’ve faced in the past year, we are very proud of our officers,” Deputy Chief Major Chuck Claxton said.  Claxton also commended dispatch for their hard work and introduced the newest communications officer April Exton.  “They perform a very important job and are often overlooked,” he continued.

Citizens will soon be seeing new faces on the force.  Officer Chris Heywood, who just completed and passed his Field Training exam; Jonathan Hall and Casey Perry who are currently finishing up at the academy and Aaron Sherman who will begin January 27th. 

Sergeant Mark Jobe recently took retirement after 23 years of service and will officially retire in early April.

Police Chief Tully Folden concluded the ceremonies by saying, “I’m proud of all of our staff members.”
