The Cushing Masonic Lodge has been a true friend to the Cushing Regional Hospital and to the Cushing Regional Hospital Foundation for many years. In 1929, the Masonic Hospital Association of Payne County leased the Hospital for a period of 99 years. From 1929 to 1987, the Masonic Hospital Association of Payne County successfully operated the Hospital. At that time, it became virtually impossible for a Hospital to be operated by a businessman, and specialty management was necessary in order to meet the mandates of the Federal Government.
The local Cushing Masonic Lodge still identify with their predecessors. The Cushing Regional Hospital holds a special place in their hearts and they always are willing to help with projects and to raise funds to help provide the best possible health care available for the citizens in the Cimarron Valley Region.
In 2004, at the beginning of the capitol campaign for the construction and renovation of the Hospital, the Lodge members stepped forward to provide Manpower & Money to help generate funds for the Foundation. The local Masonic groups write matching fund grants to the Oklahoma Masonic Charity Foundation. The matching funds are generated by the Foundation with the help the Masonic Lodge. One of the stipulations is members of the Cushing Masonic Lodge contribute work with the money that is given.
Over the years, the Cushing Masonic Lodge has given $25,000 to the Foundation. In 2006, they assisted the Foundation with the Hospital auction. At that time they were celebrating their 110th Anniversary. They generously donated $15,000 to the Foundation that in turn was paid to the Cushing Hospital Authority. In 2007 & 2008, they donated $5000 that they helped earned from the “Last Chance Prior to the Holiday Party” that was held at Rodger and Connie Floyd’s home; In 2008, they generously donated to the Charity Golf Event for Paramedic Scholarships.
As history repeats itself, the Cushing Masonic Lodge pledged their commitment to helping with the event and donating up to $2500 toward the paramedic scholarships. Bob Felts, Cushing Masonic member, spearheaded the planning committee in 2008 and 2009. “Bob was truly the engine that drove the train. His knowledge and his expertise were needed in order to organize a successful event. Bob planned all of the activities for the day of the Event and had other Masonic members registering the golfers and parking cars,” Marian Shiever, Foundation director, said.
Presenting this check at the Cushing Masonic Lodge Building is Robert Myers, Master, Joe Manning, past director of the Oklahoma Masonic Charity Foundation, and other members of the Lodge. Randy Dubois, Cushing Regional Hospital CEO, was present for the presentation. Randy spoke of his thankfulness for the generosity of the Masonic Lodge. Foundation members present were Lee Roy Kalka, President and Tom Cummings, Treasurer.