(Stillwater, Okla.) — A Cushing man was arraigned today from the Payne County Jail where he was being held on $7,500 bail on a charge of possessing a crystalline substance that field-tested positive as the controlled drugs, methamphetamine, Xanax and Valium on Sunday.
Drake Ryan Furrh, 23, who has a misdemeanor criminal record of fighting, drunk driving, drug possession and domestic violence, was ordered to appear in court Friday with an attorney to represent him on his felony charge that was filed today.
Three years ago while he was on probation, Furrh pleaded guilty to disturbing the peace in Cushing by fighting on Feb. 11, 2011. For that misdemeanor, Furrh was given a 10-day jail term with an order to pay his incarceration cost and a $100 fine.
Eleven months before he admitted that misdemeanor charge, Furrh was placed on one year’s probation except 10 days in jail for drunk driving, having no valid driver’s license, and possessing marijuana as well as a smoking pipe, all in Stillwater on April 24, 2010.
For those misdemeanor charges, Furrh was ordered to pay the cost of his incarceration, to have a drug and alcohol evaluation, to follow any recommendations, to attend a victim impact panel, to perform five hours of community service and to pay $675 in fines and assessments.
A year before that, Furrh was placed on one year’s probation for two counts of domestic violence and one count of malicious injury to property in Cushing in 2008, court records show. He was ordered to take an anger resolution class, complete a life skills course, perform 45 hours of community service and pay a $150 fine.
If convicted of his felony drug charge filed today, Furrh could be imprisoned for two to 10 years and fined $5,000, court records show.