(Stillwater, Okla.) — A Cushing man — on probation for drunk driving a pickup truck two years ago on Highway 51 — was charged today with drunk driving in Cushing on Oct. 30 a car that was not equipped with an intoxilyzer device as required by restrictions on his driver’s license.

Brent Eugene Young, 43, was released from the Payne County Jail on $5,000 bail on Halloween — with the condition that he not drive any vehicle except his own, which has an interlock installed, court records show.

If convicted of drunk driving a yellow 2013 Chevrolet Camaro at 700 N. Linwood in Cushing on Oct. 30, Young could be incarcerated for 10 years and fined $5,000.

If convicted of an additional count of driving that vehicle when it did not have an intoxilyzer device, Young could be jailed for 10 days and fined $500.

Young had been placed on three years’ probation on April 26, 2013, except four days in jail, after pleading guilty to drunk driving a 2008 Chevrolet pickup on Highway 51 and Wooten Lane in Stillwater on Sept. 18, 2012, court records show.

In his 2012 case, Young was ordered to perform 50 hours of community service, which he did at Drumright Public Schools, court records show. Young was also required to pay his incarceration cost and $900 in fines and assessments, court records show.

Young had been arrested at 12:46 a.m. on Sept. 18, 2012, after a dispatcher advised a sheriff’s deputy that a possible drunk driver was traveling westbound on Highway 51 from Highway 18 in a white pickup truck, an affidavit said.

“The vehicle went left of center almost striking my patrol car,” the deputy wrote in his affidavit.

When Young was stopped, the deputy asked Young if he knew where he was, “he advised that he was on the side of the road,” the affidavit said. Asked where he was going, Young said to a bar, the affidavit said.

Young, who was unsteady on his feet, declined to submit to the standard field sobriety test, but later was given an intoxilyzer test and then taken to the Stillwater Medical Center to have a blood alcohol test, the affidavit said.

Young remains free on bail pending a Dec. 1 court appearance when he can seek a preliminary hearing on the drunk driving charge filed against him today.
