(Cushing, Okla.)  Agra has declared Saturday, Aug. 11th Volunteer Fire Department Appreciation Day and Cushing’s FFA is selling watermelons for victims of the recent fires – while Drumright has been dispensing fire victim relief applications.  In the midst of the devastation, communities are pulling together to help anyway they can.

Drumright City Manager Danny Cooper said he witnessed firefighters working together side by side to keep fire from destroying Drumright.  “I’ve never been more proud of these guys,” Cooper said.  “They saved our city.  And volunteers have brought in supplies – and they’ve been doing anything and everything to help.’

In response to the overwhelming need of victims and some fire departments, Cooper said they’ve set up a fire victims fund.  “This isn’t just for Drumright – and it isn’t just for victims – some of these small volunteer fire departments need help with equipment – and they were all helping.”

Cooper said Fire Victims Relief applications can be picked up at Drumright City Hall and SpiritBank locations.

In Agra, they have declared Saturday, Aug. 11th “Volunteer Fire Department Appreciation Day.”  M’s Main Street Cafe is donating 25 percent of all sales between 7 a.m. and 2 p.m. to the Agra Volunteer Fire Department and from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Agra Senior Citizen Center, a bake sale will be held to raise cash for the department.

Cash donations would be especially appreciated since the department lost a transmission in one unit and need several parts for other units. 

**UPDATE**  The Agra Volunteer Fire Department is in DIRE NEED of a 1 ton truck that can have a tank and pump added to.  They also need a truck suitable to be a First Responder vehicle. Anyone willing to donate a truck that could fill this need can call 918-375-2304 or Drumright City Hall at 918-372-4287.

After learning their beloved Ag instructor Alan Smith lost his home in the fires, Cushing FFA members came up with a fundraiser of their own – selling watermelons.  Thursday, Friday and Saturday, you can stop by the Ag building and buy a Webbers Falls watermelon.

Whether its buying a watermelon or writing a check or just holding a neighbor’s hand – there is something each of us can do.
