Cushing Board of Commissioners passed an important ordinance that amends a previous ordinance “restricting and prohibiting the occupancy and use of and activities on the property commonly referred to as The Hudson Oil Refining Company’s Cushing Refinery.”

The amendment approved at Monday night’s regular commission meeting, will allow Cushing Brownfield, LLC and the environmental clean-up team put together by Land O’ Lakes, Minneapolis, MN., access to the property in order to complete the clean up required by the EPA.

How did Land O’ Lakes – a Minnesota-based company well-known for its dairy products – become involved with hazardous waste clean up in Cushing, Oklahoma?

Through buy outs and mergers.

Hudson was bought by Midland, Midland merged with Cenex, and Cenex merged with Land O’ Lakes.

“We want to thank the commission for taking the first step by passing this amendment,” said Byron Starns, representative for Land O’ Lakes. “We have put together the best team possible.”

Starns said several of the “team” members aided in clean up projects in Okmulgee and Duncan.

“There are two things we are looking forward to doing,” he continued. “One, complete the clean up and when that is done, help the community find the best use for the property.”

Mayor Henckel thanked Starns and his group for making the commitment to clean up the Hudson Refinery property.

“We think it is admirable that Land O’ Lakes has stepped forward,” Henckel said. “We’re tickled to have someone clean this up.”

Estimate cost for the clean up – not allowing for any fines – is 8 to 9 million dollars.

As clean up details come to light, the city will keep the public informed through public hearings and such.
