Citizens got their first peek at a possible new facility at Monday night’s special commission meeting.
After brief presentations by Chief Brent Kerr of the Cushing Fire Department and Chief Terry Brannon of the Cushing Police Department, City Manager Steve Spears presented a possible solution to the departments space issue – a beautiful new facility.
After reviewing the issues facing both departments, the architect hired by the city determined the most cost-effective and efficient way to solve those problems would be to build a combination police and fire station.
The funding to build and sustain such a facility would come through the passage of the proposed proposition to continue the 0.8 percent general sales tax that is already in place but is scheduled to expire June 30, 2009.
On Tuesday, Feb. 10 voters will go to the polls to vote on two propositions:
1) Hotel/Motel Tax Proposition
Voters will consider assessing a 4 percent Hotel/Motel tax to be levied on room rents for occupancy of hotel or motel rooms in Cushing. The proposed 4 percent rate is similar to the rate charged in both Stillwater and Guthrie. Hotel/Motel taxes in the area ranged from 3 percent to 8 percent. The proceeds from this tax will be used for functions of municipal government, including encouraging, promoting and fostering economic develpment and related infrastructure improvements.
2) 0.08 percent General Sales Tax Proposition
Voters will consider assessing an 0.8 percent general sales tax to replace the expiring 0.8 percent general sales tax. (The expiring tax was used to make improvements to the Public Library and to cnstruct the new Sports Complex.) The purpose of the renewed sales tax would be for providing revenues for capital expenditures including public safety improvements (Fire and Police stations) municipal facilities, equipmnet purchases such as paramedic equipment, ambulances, fire trucks and police cars, and also including the operations and maintenance of these improvements. The City Commission and City Staff have already identified over $50 million of needed unfunded capital improvement projects consisting of improvements to current public facilities, infrastructure improvements (sewer lines, water lines, streets, etc.) and replacment of major equipment. The first proposed capital improvement projects are to improve our Fire/Ambulance and Police facilities including providing paramedic services.