(Cushing, Okla.) John Fechner, President of the Cushing Lions Club, called the meeting to order today about 12:15 p.m. The agenda started with song and the pledge with Lion Monty Waldron and was followed by requests for prayer.


City Manager Terry Brannon was Lion of the Day and spoke to the club about the City of Cushing fiscal highlights for 2018 – 2019. Some of those highlights include: Cushing Pride – which has about 20 plus businesses and organizations signed up to help serve the city; City of Cushing pre-employment and background screen to include all volunteers and persons seeking employment with the city (this is to include drug use and criminal history); Cushing Municipal Airport assumed operations fully in July 2018, and an update on projects approved by voters including the street sweeper, new fire trucks, and the animal shelter (under construction).


City Manager Brannon also gave updates on utility relocation for SH18 and SH33, slated street improvements for mid-spring of 2019, and sewer line improvements. He also spoke on the major sources of operating revenue, financial stability, general fund mid-year percentages actual to budget, and general fund revenues and expenses budget to actual, CMA fund revenues and expenses budget to actual, and CMA mid-year percentages actual to budget.


Several city employees were also in attendance at today’s meeting.


The meeting adjourned about 1:00 pm.


Cushing Lions Club meets each Tuesday at noon in Cushing, at the Steer Inn Restaurant.


For more information about Lions Club International go to https://www.lcif.org/.


