May 16, 2009, was a winning day for many people. After figuring the totals, the citizens in the Cimarron Valley Region, the CRH Foundation with the assistance of the Cushing Masonic Lodge raised over $15,000 to be used toward the Paramedic Scholarship Program. This amount would not have been possible if it weren’t for the various sponsorships, teams, and many individuals that donated items for the winning prizes, drawings, and for the Welcome Bags.

Prior to the shot-gun start, Lee Roy Kalka, CRH Foundation President, presented a check to Central Tech for the tuition of three EMTs that are receiving training at Central Tech. Receiving these checks were Patti Pounce, Adult Program Director from Central Tech and Phil Waul, Superintendent of Central Tech.

Central Tech has been truly instrumental in setting up the classes at Central Tech for the Cushing Paramedics. City Manager Steve Spears, Randy DuBois, CRH CEO, and Fire Chief Brent Kerr were also present at the check presentation.

The Charity Golf Event is truly a community event.

Twenty-Two teams entered the event. There were prizes given in A Flight and B Flight.

Winners of the A Flight were:

1st Place – Daniel Hernandez, Jimmy Hernandez, Scott House, & Donny Jones

2nd Place- Bank of Cushing Team: Brian Floyd, Russell Moyer, Jamie Osterhout, & Mike Gaskins,

3rd Place – Palmer Marler Funeral Home: Marc White, Darrell Simmons,

Scott Simmons & Brad Goddard

Winners of the B Flight were:

1st Place -JLT, Inc; Nick Tanner, Bobby Tanner, Dillon Wasson & Jim Wasson

2nd Place – Davis Funeral Home: Justin Cargill, Brian Johnston, Gary Floyd, & Nick Palmer

3rd Place -Gilkerson/Shiever; Mitch Shiever, Aaron Kauk, Steve Shiever &

Bob Gilkerson

Ladies Winner of the Longest Drive Contest and the Closet to the Pin Contest was Tammy Webb.

Men’s Winners of the Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin Contests were Nick Tanner and Brian Johnston.

See Sports page for more photos
