(Cushing, Okla.)  To celebrate the kick off of a major interior and exterior renovation of RCB Bank in Cushing, Cushing Chamber of Commerce held a ground breaking ceremony on Tuesday, January 6, 2015. RCB Bank dignitaries and staff, along with members of the Cushing Chamber of Commerce, were on hand for the brief ceremony. In spite of no actual “ground breaking,” RCB Bank staff donned hats and shovels in celebration.

According to a press release by RCB Bank, when finished, the newly remodeled facility will include a spacious interior, including four teller windows, six offices, a new board room and four drive-thru lanes for customer convenience. The exterior will also see a face-lift; with a pitched roof adding a new look to the building.

Jerod Helling, SVP, RCB Bank Market President, said he and staff are “very much looking forward to the new building” in spite of the operating in a construction zone for several months.”The temporary discomfort is for the long-term goal, which is the bank’s investment in this community,” Helling said. “We want to grow here and we want to be able to better serve our customers.”

The press release further states that “construction is expected to last 20 – 22 weeks, barring any weather delays. Customer access to the building will not be interrupted, however construction crews, materials and equipment will be onsite resulting in the closure of specific areas of the building and parking lot as construction progresses.”

“Throughout our construction process, our goal will be to make sure we are open, available and accessible to our customers,” Helling continued. “I think our customers are going to enjoy the new look of the branch and how much easier it is to do business with us.”

Earlier in 2014, RCB Bank purchased the Cushing location along with several other markets from SpiritBank.

RCB Bank President and CEO Roger Mosier had this to say about the purchase: “Cushing played a major part in our interest in that acquisition. We are excited about the improvements occurring in the community and the tax payer’s support of those projects. Obviously the bank facility required a major facelift to compliment everything else happening in Cushing.”

“We saw the acquisition as an opportunity to be part of a growing, vibrant community and bring our style of full-service community and rewards banking to new customers,” Mosier continued. “We kicked it off over the summer with a great Customer Appreciation Day and our rewards checking accounts have been well-received.”

RCB Bank offers several free, rewards checking accounts to customers along with mobile deposit offerings, text banking and apps to deposit checks. For small business customers, RCB Bank offers state-of-the art services, including cash management services and remote deposit capture, which allows businesses to deposit checks from their desktop using a small scanner.

“RCB Bank is a hometown bank and we try to embody that in everything we do,” Helling said.

A grand opening celebration will coincide with a summer Customer Appreciation Day in 2015.

