Cushing Senior Citizen Director Donnie Hoover was a guest on MoJo in the Morning to talk about the annual picture puzzle auction to be held Saturday, Oct. 4th at the Cushing Senior Citizen Center, 203 E. Cherry, starting at 9:30 a.m.
Hoover said it’s the third year for the event to raise money to help fund different programs and activities at the Senior Citizen Center. The picture puzzles were put together by senior and are in frames built by Billy Meyers. Each frame is numbered and signed by Meyers. Several of the items are currently on display at Casey’s Barber Shop, Colonial Barbership, Urban Roots, Bank of Cushing and RCB Bank. All will be at the Senior Citizen Center early on Saturday for viewing prior to the auction.
Hoover thanked Meyers, Hobby Lobby, Cimarron Glass, Glen and Sandy MacCauley, Sherri Plunkett, Palmer Marler Funeral Home and Gerald Jolley for their support of the center and its events.
Some of the regular events at the Cushing Senior Citizen Center: quilting group, Thursday night music, Friday dance (just $5) and later this month, a trip to the Lloyd Noble Museum in Norman. Cost of trip is $32.25 and includes food, bus trip and admission to the museum.
For more information call the Center at 918-225-5333.