(Cushing, Okla.) American Legion Post 108 was proud to host a celebration to honor three of its WWII Purple Heart recipients with birthday cake and ice cream in time for their 90th birthdays.
The come and go reception was well attended as folks came by to honor the trio: Otmer Davis, Corky Goff and Garold Reed. The date – Aug. 3, 2012 – was also Otmer Davis’ birthday. His cousin, Cory Goff will turn 90 on Sept. 29, 2012 and his brother-in-law, Garold Reed will turn 90 on Jan. 5, 2013.
Davis received his Purple Heart for injuries received during WWII in France; Goff received his Purple Heart for injuries received in Cebu in the Philippines during WWII and Reed received his Purple Heart for injuries received in Italy during WWII.
The come and go reception was well attended by friends, family and folks who just wanted to thank the gentlemen for their service.