Registration forms for alumni weekend are being emailed and mailed in anticipation of this years event. The association would like to remind alumni to complete the form with what year you graduated so that they can have your name tag correct when you arrive for the celebration.

The alumni association will be meeting on Tuesday, May 13 to proof this year’s Souvenir Oiler before it goes to print on May 16.

KUSH has a special treat for alumni viewers on the website. Look for the Cushing Alumni Ten Day Count Down as businesses and and in one case, a individual will count down the ten days before the big celebration scheduled for May 23 & 34. Each day, KUSH will reveal hometown alumni – counting down the days until the big weekend of memories!

You might just see someone you know!

Tomorrow, May 13 will mark 10 more days until the fun begins… will you know who is starting the ten day countdown?
