Starting Thursday, from October 6 – 12th,  Molly will be far removed from the Oklahoma plains and the House of KUSH. 

Molly is currently in a car with her brother, for a traditional “Ab” road trip to Minnesota.  She’ll visit her son and his bride to be, other family and she’ll catch up with friends and co-workers from years past.

 Yes, Molly has a history of 20 years up north – so why not?  

It’s vacation time for Molly!

For all those listeners of the Donna and Molly Show and for all those website viewers… not to worry, I’m still here. 

I’ll have a variety of guest co-hosts during Molly’s trip – Diane Brown, Rick Reiley, DJ Duncan, Bruce Knoch and Bruce Vogt and who knows???  I’ll bet there will be a surprise or two in store for our listeners – and maybe even for me too!   I could easily have WAY too much fun at any given moment…with any of these guest co-hosts, which could cause chaos  … which could … perhaps … cause me to break some of the “Mr. Kelly” rules! So tune in from 7 to 10 am, Mondays through Fridays to see what happens when Molly goes away! 

It’s all on the Donna and Molly Show (without Molly) on 1600 AM or via the streaming link on our website!
